Welcome to Olive Branch Assisted Living in Dickson, TN

Supportive Care & Meaningful Moments

At Olive Branch, we always have something to smile about. We strive to fill every day with comfort, joy, and connection to help you feel right at home. Our compassionate staff is committed to providing residents exceptional care as we embark on this exciting journey together.

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance us to do.”

– Ephesians 2:10

Peek Inside

We strive to fill our days with music, laughter, and relaxation. Join friends and family on the front porch, enjoy the serenity of the sunroom, or meet your neighbors for a delicious meal in the dining hall. We love sharing quality time together.

Assisted Living

At Olive Branch, our assisted living lifestyle provides a range of services to help residents feel comfortable, safe, and valued. Our residents receive personalized support for everyday needs and can participate in a range of social activities.

Why Choose Olive Branch?

Life at Olive Branch Senior Living was made for connection. We relax, play, & grow together through enriching activities.

Connecting Through Activities

Our suites are designed for convenience & comfort, so our residents can enjoy tranquility in their private space and enrichment in common areas.

Designed with a Personal Touch

Love inspires everything we do. Every service, activity, & interaction is motivated by love and understanding. Our community is our family.

Our Community Approach

Contact Us

Martha Bullington

Executive Director

Our Address

  • 110 Luther Road
  • Dickson, TN 37055

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